Tuesday, June 21, 2011

'Shake It Up' Movie Announced!

Great news for Shake It Up fans! Disney has just announced that a DCOM based on the hit series is in production! They haven't said what the movie will be about yet, but we're sure it will be a hit. Shake It Up is already the most successful in the 9-14 category in it's time frame, and almost the most successful in history!

What do you think? Is it too early to make a movie, or do they deserve it? Sound off in the comments!


  1. That's so cool that they're making a MOVIE! I can't wait to see it!

  2. awesome i love this show its funny and it has a lot of fun through out the show a movie would just make it so much better

  3. does anyone know when the moviee is gonna air?( :
